Thursday 17 April 2008

Blog Assessment 1 - 16th April 2008


1. i) What were the creative strategies that were used this morning to enable you to explore resolutions to your relationships/interactions?

ii) How did these explorations evolve into the crafting of the final community section?

iii) How does/will this impact on the earlier stages of your journey through Fractal?

Deadline for posts: Friday 18th April, 5 pm

Word Limit: 400-500 words

1 comment:

Ross said...

Assessment 1

1 i)
Over the weeks I feel that Ruth and I have developed both a physical and mental connection between our two characters. Our interactions replicate the process we have taken by developing in stages, with varying degrees of physical interaction. The first interactions we have together on stage with the lunch boxes involve us being physically very close to each other but somehow not being physically connected. Most of our connections in this section seem instinctive and at times almost telepathic. Our relationship is almost unintentionally obvious to everybody but ourselves. That we are so comfortable within each others presence and remain oblivious until the end of this section shows quite clearly a dimension of childlike innocence. Having such a strong and well developed relationship made it easy for us to continue forward to some kind of resolution. The creative process came naturally because both Ruth and I new instinctively in which direction the relationship was heading.

I feel that for both Ruth and I our characters have been on a very obvious journey culminating at the end with the community scene. At the start of the piece it is obvious that we have a very close bond which slightly begins to crack as we end our section. We are separated and participate in two individual sections of the piece, myself with the other men and Caitlyn, and Ruth in the Golden Bowls section. For myself there is a sense of unease and a struggle to find my individual identity having previously been part of a duet, almost behaving as one singular person. Our reunion in the last community section portrays the sense of unease felt between the two of us and the struggle to regain our relationship previously in the first section. There is however a sense that our relationship has moved forward and although we our trying to regain a lost part of our history we are also trying to move toward a future.

I think that the final community section reflects the journey that I and Ruth’s characters have been on. Our reunion in this final section seems appropriate to our journey and almost seems like an induction into the adult world. We have moved on from the childish play demonstrated in our first interactions and have grown from our experiences of facing the world separated from each other in the intervening sections. In the final community section we are reunited bringing with us previous and new experiences which both help us to bond again but also cause a degree of uneasiness that needs to be overcome. At the end of the section after we have drunk from our glasses we immediately separate from each other, showing that although we have reconnected there is a need to establish a sense of individuality within our relationship.